D C P NG, M P ANWAR, T L LAU, W ELLEITHY, A A MOHAMMED and J JAYAPRAKASH, 2024. Dynamic response analysis of skybridge connected reinforced concrete buildings under lateral loads IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1205(1), MEI YUN CHIN, TECK LEONG LAU, CHUN PINN NG DARYL, ANWAR, MOHAMMED PARVEZ and ELLEITHY, WAEL, 2024. Shear Resistance of Oil Palm Shell Reinforced Concrete Beams cast with Shear Reinforcement Suranaree Journal of Science & Technology. 31(1), 1-9
T. M. SHEIKH, K. MUTHOOSAMY, J. JAGANATHAN, M. P. ANWAR, A. RAZA, A. CHAN, K. S. HIM and W. C. ZHENG, 2024. Chemical interference between graphene oxide and polycarboxylate superplasticizer, and the resulting impact on the concrete strength, workability, and microstructure Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials. 13(11), NIGEL NG E CHOON, TUCK WAI YEONG, TECK LEONG LAU, ABDULLAHI ALI MOHAMED, WAEL ELLEITHY and MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, 2024. Effect of Fly Ash Content on High Strength Concrete using Oil Palm Shell as Fine Aggregate In: 16th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCRETE ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (CONCET) 2024. (In Press.)
MOHAMMED FADHIL HAMA, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, TECK LEONG LAU and DARYL CHUN PINN NG, 2023. Emerging Tenera oil palm shell concrete: Mix design and cost analyses IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1205(1), MOHAMMED F. HAMA, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR and TECK LEONG LAU, 2023. Oil Palm Shell Concrete (OPSC): A Short Review Suranaree J. Sci. Technol.. 30(3), 010231(1-19)
D C P NG, T L LAU, M P ANWAR, M P ANWAR, W ELLEITHY and M F HAMA, 2022. Effects of Treatment for Raw Oil Palm Shell on Compressive Strength of Oil Palm Shell Concrete In: International Conference on Sustainable Construction and Structures (ISuCOS 2022).
TAIMUR MAZHAR SHEIKH, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, KASTURI MUTHOOSAMY, JAYAPRAKASH JAGANATHAN, ANDY CHAN and ABDULLAHI ALI MOHAMED, 2022. Graphene oxide’s regenerative acidity and its effects on the hydration of Type II Portland Cement Construction and Building Materials. MOHAMMED FADHIL HAMA, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR and TECK LEONG LAU, 2022. Effect of Elevated temperatures on Tenera Oil Palm Shell Concrete on Compressive Strength and Weight Loss Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 11(1), 319-332
FONG D.W.J., LAU T.L., ELLEITHY W. and ANWAR M.P., 2021. Eccentric Punching on Edge Waffle Slabs Advances in Construction Materials and Structures. 111, 1-12 LIM Y.K., ANWAR M.P., JAYAPRAKASH J., ELLEITHY W., LAU T.L. and WONG J.Y., 2021. Performance of Cantilever Structure Inspired by Tree Patterns. Advances in Construction Materials and Structures. 111, 47-59 AA MOHAMMED, P M MWANGI, MP ANWAR, LT LEONG, J JAYAPRAKASH, PJ RAMADHANSYAH, ZF MOHAMED JAAFAR and N MASHROS, 2021. Nano-Silica modifier asphalt concrete under rutting resistance and shape memory component IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 682, AW JIA HAO, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, WAEL ELLEITHY, JAGANATHAN JAYAPRAKASH and YEONG TUCK WAI, 2021. A Review of Seismic Vulnerability and Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures Advances in Construction Materials and Structures. 111, 23-35 TAIMUR MAZHAR SHEIKH, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, KASTURI MUTHOOSAMY, JAGANATHAN JAYAPRAKASH, ANDY CHAN and ABDULLAHI ALI MOHAMED, 2021. The mechanics of carbon-based nanomaterials as cement reinforcement—A critical review Construction and Building Materials. 303, ABDURRA'UF MUKHTAR, JAGANATHAN, JAYAPRAKASH, AMWAR, M.P. and LEUNG, H.Y., 2019. Experimental studies and theoretical models for concrete columns confined with FRP composites: a review World Journal of Engineering. YAP KIAN LIM, ANWAR MOHAMMED PARVEZ, JAYAPRAKASH JAGANATHAN, WAEL ELLEITHY and LAU TECK LEONG, 2019. Nature's Design Shapes in Civil Engineering Structures to Enhance Performance and Efficiency: A review International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). 8(6S3), 79-86 JING-YING WONG, CHUN-CHIEH YIP, KEVIN LUWEMBA MUGUMYA, BING-HONG TAN and MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, 2019. Effectiveness of Top-Down Construction Method in Malaysia International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). 8(6S4), 386-392 ABDURRA'UF MUKHTAR, JAGANATHAN, JAYAPRAKASH, ANWAR, M.P. and LEUNG, H.Y., 2018. Flexural capacity of bi-directional GFRP strengthened RC beams with end anchorages: experimental and theoretical studies International Journal of Structural Integrity. 10(2), 188-207 ALIAKBAR KHOSRAVI, TUCK WAI YEONG, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, JAYAPRAKASH JAGANATHANA, TECK LEONG LAU and WAEL ELLEITHY, 2018. A Comparative Study between Three-Legged and Tripod Sub-structures in Design of Offshore Wind Turbines in the Transition Water Depth International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(3.36), 23-33 WAEL ELLEITHY, CHIN CHEE FUNG, JAYAPRAKASH JAGANATHANA, TECK LEONG LAU and MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, 2018. Effect of Curing Method on Concrete with Palm Oil Fuel Ash as a Cement Replacement International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(3.36), 68-72 JIA HAO AW, WEI HAN NG, TECK LEONG LAU, JAYAPRAKASH JAGANATHANA, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR and WAEL ELLEITHY, 2018. Effect of Footfall Induced Vibration on Flat Plate Slabs International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(3.36), 73-77 KIAN LIM YAP, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, JAYAPRAKASH JAGANATHANA, WAEL ELLEITHY and TECK LEONG LAU, 2018. Feasibility Study on Replicating Tree Design Structure in Trusses Subjected to Lateral Loading International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(3.36), 84-89 SHADY ADEL FAHIM REZKALLA, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, JAYAPRAKASH JAGANATHANA, WAEL ELLEITHY, TECK LEONG LAU and KIAN LIM YAP, 2018. Parametric Study on Seismic Response of RCS Structures International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(3.36), 90-95 SIAW WEE ONG, TECK LEONG LAU, TUCK WAI YEONG and MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, 2018. A Feasibility Study on partially substituted Coarse Aggregate with Oil Palm Shell in Coconut Fiber Reinforced Concrete International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 7(3.36), 62-67 H.Y. LEUNG, J. KIM, A. NADEEM, JAYAPRAKASH JAGANATHAN and M.P. ANWAR, 2016. Sorptivity of Self-Compacting Concrete Containing Fly Ash and Silica Fume Construction and Building Materials. 113, 369-375 (ISI and Scopus Cited Publication). J. JAYAPRAKASH, EMAD POURNASIRI, FATIMAH DE’NAN and M.P. ANWAR, 2015. Effect of Corrosion Damaged RC Circular Columns Enveloped With Hybrid and Non-hybrid FRP under Eccentric Loading. Journal of Composite Materials. 49(18), 2265-2283 (ISI and Scopus, IF 2015: 1.257) AW JIA HAO, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR and WAEL ELLEITHY, 2015. Effect of Footfall Induced Vibration on Footbridges Applied Mechanics and Materials. 802, 136-141 LEING CHUEN KEIT, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR and WAEL ELLEITHY, 2015. Effects of Footfall Induced Vibrations on Concrete and Composite Floors Applied Mechanics and Materials. 802, 155-160 J. JAYAPRAKASH, A.A. ABDUL SAMAD, KOH H.B, ANWAR M.P and N. MOHAMAD, 2015. Experimental and Finite Element Studies on CFF Strengthened RC Rectangular Beams in Shear. International Journal of Integrated Engineering. 7(1), 29-38. JAYAPRAKASH JAGANATHAN, ABDUL AZIZ ABDUL SAMAD, MUSTAFASANIE M. Y, ANWAR M.P and ABDULLAHI ALI MOHAMED, 2014. Shear Behaviour of RC T-Beams with externally bonded discrete CFF strips – A Experimental and Finite Element Study International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology. 5(2), NIMA FARZADNIA, ABANG ABDULLAH ABANG ALI, RAMAZAN DEMIRBOGA and MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, 2013. Effect of halloysite nano clay on mechanical properties, thermal behavior and microstructure of cement mortars Cement and Concrete Research. 48, 97-104 NIMA FARZADNIAA, ABANG ABDULLAH ABANG ALI, RAMAZAN DEMIRBOGAA and MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR, 2013. Characterization of high strength mortars with nano Titania at elevated temperatures Construction and Building Materials. 43, 469–479 M.P. ANWAR, H. YAMADA, H. KATSUCHI and J. JAYAPRAKASH, 2013. ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF FLUTTER AND BUFFETING IN LONG SPAN SUSPENSION BRIDGES: A CASE STUDY ON AKASHI KAIKYO BRIDGE In: 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
E.P. DE SILVA, L.T. LEONG, M.P. ANWAR and W. ELLEITHY, 2013. EFFECTS OF FOOTFALL INDUCED VIBRATIONS ON COMPOSITE AND CONCRETE FLOORS In: 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
MOHAMMAD PANJEHPOUR, ABANG ABDULLAH ABANG ALI, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR and FARAH NORA AZNIETA, 2012. An Overview of Strut-and-Tie Model and its Common Challenges International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa. 8, 37-45 MOHAMMAD PANJEHPOUR, NIMA FARZADNIA, MOHAMMED PARVEZ ANWAR and ABANG ABDULLAH ABANG ALI, 2011. FRP Sheets Contribution in Common Repair Techniques of Concrete Structures with Emphasis on Concrete Columns International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering & Technology. 2(2), S. SHABAZPANAHI, A. ABANG, N. FARAH, S. RAIZAL, A. KAMGAR and P. ANWAR, 2011. Modeling Crack in Concrete and Propagation Criterion In: Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures(CFRAC 2011). 206
ALGORAFI, M.A, ALI, A.A.A, JAAFAR, M.S, OTHMAN, I and ANWAR, M.P., 2010. Parametric Study of Externally Prestressed Segmental Beam under Torsion Journal of Engineering Structures. ALGORAFI, M.A, ALI, A.A.A, JAAFAR, M.S, OTHMAN, I, ANWAR, M.P and RASHID, R., 2009. Effect of Torsion on Externally Prestressed Segmental Concrete Bridge with Shear Key American J. of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2(1), 54-60
ALI, N, ALI, A.A.A, JAFAR, M.S and ANWAR, M.P., 2008. Behaviour of Interlocking Load Bearing Hollow Putra Block Panels with Stiffeners under Vertical Load In: Curtin University of Technology Science and Engineering International Conference 2008 (CUTSE 2008).
ANWAR, M.P, YAMADA, H and KATSUCHI, H., 2006. Adaptive control of Wind Induced Vibration of Suspension Bridges In: 4th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, UCSD, San Diego, CA, USA.
BALENDRA, T and ANWAR, M. P., 2005. Direct Measurement of Wind-induced Displacements in Tall Building Models using Laser Positioning Technique Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 93(5), 399-412 BALENDRA, T, LEONG, T.K and ANWAR, M.P., 2003. Wind Induced Displacements of Multiple Tower Buildings Using Laser Positioning Systems In: 11th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Lubbock, Texas, USA, June 2-5, 2003.