Professional Engineer, Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)
Professional Technologist, Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT)
Senior Fellow, Advance HE (formally known as Higher Education Academy)
Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Member, Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Member, The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM)
Teaching Summary
EEEE1029 Information and Systems (Analogue and Digital Electronics)
EEEE2050 Electronic Processing and Communications (Analogue Electronics)
EEEE3117 Analogue Electronics
Nottingham Advantage Award (NAA) Module: Lifelong Learning for Engineers
H51EA1 Introduction to Real Time Computer Systems
H51EA2 Microprocessor Design Project
H61RTS Introduction to Real-Time Systems
H61AEE Applied Electrical and Electronic Engineering Construction Project
H61AME Applied Mechatronic Engineering Construction Project
H62ELD Electronic Engineering (Analog Electronics)
H63END Electronic Design
H61CAE Computer Aided Engineering
Nottingham Advantage Award (NAA) Module: XX190NM Enhancing Employability 101
Research Summary
- Embroidery/Inkjet-Printing Antennas
- Microstrip Antennas
- Wideband and Multiband Antennas
- Engineering Education
Selected Publications
P. C. OOI, S. THEIVENDRAN and K. T. SELVAN, 2012. Empirical equations for the resonant frequencies of dual-band microstrip loop antenna. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. 54(1), 122-125 P. C. OOI and K. T. SELVAN, 2011. A simple printed dipole antenna with dual-band behavior. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 53(9), 1952-1955 P. C. OOI and K. T. SELVAN, 2010. The effect of ground plane on the performance of a square loop CPW-fed printed antenna. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters. 19, 103-111 P. C. OOI and K. T. SELVAN, 2010. A dual-band circular slot antenna with an offset microstrip-fed line for PCS, UMTS, IMT-2000, ISM, Bluetooth, RFID and WLAN Applications. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters. 16, 1-10