University of Nottingham Malaysia
Faculty of Science and Engineering

Image of Wee Kang Choong

Wee Kang Choong

Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering


  • workRoom B1C19 Block B1
    Malaysia Campus
    Jalan Broga
    43500 Semenyih
    Selangor Darul Ehsan
  • work+6 (03) 8924 8708
  • fax+6 (03) 8924 8017


Dr. Choong has over 20 years of experience in civil engineering. Prior to joining the university, Dr. Choong worked in engineering consultancy firms, in both the design office and construction sites. He has gained his experiences in the field of water resources including irrigation, urban drainage, river engineering and flood mitigation. His research interests include engineering education, rainfall-runoff, sustainable construction.

Teaching Summary

  • Civil engineering hydraulics - river engineering, sediment transport
  • Sustainable construction

Research Summary

Hydrologic frequency analysis - assessment of impact of climate change, rainfall pattern and trend. Sustainable construction - secondary and recycled building materials, carbon footprint for… read more

Current Research

  • Hydrologic frequency analysis - assessment of impact of climate change, rainfall pattern and trend.
  • Sustainable construction - secondary and recycled building materials, carbon footprint for construction materials.

Faculty of Science and Engineering

University of Nottingham Malaysia
Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan

telephone: +6 (03) 8924 8000
fax: +6 (03) 8924 8001

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