Expertise Summary
My primary research interests are in the fields of software engineering, software quality, software measurements, cloud computing and Internet of Thing. My research is driven by a strong desire to bridge the digital divide and make computing useful.
My research specifically focuses on:
- Design, analysis, implementation, and experimental evaluation of software engineering field in multiple domains such as cloud, grid computing and web based environment.
- Designing new computing solutions to address real-world problems
Computer science, as a field, has largely focused on problems relevant to the developed world. The Internet and the World Wide Web have remained largely urban phenomena. Bridging this digital divide requires us to address several important and challenging computer science research problems whose solutions will ultimately have significant impact on global development. Conventional computing solutions are often inappropriate in these emerging contexts due to various contextual factors including lack of infrastructure, limited purchasing power, poor connectivity, limited power, language and literacy issues, and lack of local expertise for managing systems. These unique infrastructure, cost, power and connectivity constraints create several new research challenges which often require a fundamental rethinking in the way we design computing solutions.
Teaching Summary
Teaching Modules
- Fundamentals of Programming
- Scientific Computing
- Fundamentals of Computing
Research Summary
Expand into interdisciplinary fields in Computer Science such as Internet of Things, Website, Neural Network, HCI, and others.
Lately working on STEM applications
Past Research
Focus on software engineering requirements in cloud computing. Cloud computing is one contemporary technology in which the research community has recently embarked. This paradigm shifts the location of the infrastructure to the network to reduce the costs associated with the management of hardware and software resources. In recent years, the number of cloud service providers is increasing.
Lack of common cloud standards or protocol delays the interoperability across service providers. Moreover, in capabilities of the search engine to match queries with exact result from service provider is the common issue among cloud users. Thus, lead the cloud customers to face challenges and problems in selecting the right service provider who meets their needs.
The objective of the research is to model an approach tha ist able to meet the user's searches for services in cloud environment whereby the search queries entered by the users can be mapped with accurate cloud services. In meeting this objective, there are two prominent activities proposed by this research. The introduction of the search protocol named Collect Desseminate Layer (CDL) to perform the query matching with high accuracy of search results. The proposed protocol evaluate by developing and implementing a search engine named Cloud Keyword Search Engine (CSSE).