University of Nottingham Malaysia
Faculty of Science

Image of Yin Sze Lim

Yin Sze Lim

Director of Education & Student Experience (UNM),


  • workRoom BB61 Block B
    Malaysia Campus
    Jalan Broga
    43500 Semenyih
    Selangor Darul Ehsan
  • work+6 (03) 8924 8726
  • fax+6 (03) 8924 8018


Dr. Lim Yin-Sze completed her BSc in Bioindustry, Master in Enzyme and Food Biotechnology, and PhD in Microbial Biotechnology at the University Putra Malaysia.

Teaching Summary

Her teachings include: nutrition, food microbiology, immunology and biotechnology related modules.

Research Summary

My research focuses on the potential of food-grade lactic acid bacteria for use as probiotics in improving gastrointestinal health and the application of postbiotics, such as bacteriocins, as… read more

Current Research

My research focuses on the potential of food-grade lactic acid bacteria for use as probiotics in improving gastrointestinal health and the application of postbiotics, such as bacteriocins, as putative antimicrobial peptides in reversing antibiotic resistance of multi-drug resistant pathogens. In addition, I am currently working with Future Food Beacon UK to improve the nutritional quality of underutilised legumes using fermentation technology. The current strategy will reduce the anti-nutrients present in the legume and enhance nutrient bioavailability.

Faculty of Science

University of Nottingham Malaysia
Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan

telephone: +6 (03) 8924 8000
fax: +6 (03) 8924 8018

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