RAMOS, H.M, MUSTAFA, M., CASPERSZ, D. and RAVEENTHERAN, A, 2021. Organizational Support and Pro-organizational Behaviors in Hotel Family-SMEs: The role of Emotional Intelligence. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism. (In Press.)
YAP, W.M., BADRI, S.K.Z and RAMOS, H.M., 2021. Workplace Affective Well-being: Gratitude and Friendship in Helping Millennials to Thrive at Work International Journal of Organizational Analysis. (In Press.)
SITI KHADIJAH ZAINAL BADRI, CARISSA TANG MUK YUNG and HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, 2020. Work passion and psychological wellbeing among millennial employees in Malaysia: The moderating role of personality International Journal of Employment Studies. 28(1), 28-47
HASLAN, R.H., RAMOS, H.M. and MUSTAFA, M., 2019. Managing the Performance of Non-Family Employees: A case study of a China-based Family-SME Small Enterprise Research Journal: Taylor & Francis. 26(2), 125-142
GOH, V. and RAMOS, H.M., 2019. The relationship between perceived organizational support, age, and burnout: Implications for the Malaysian higher education workplace International Journal of Employment Studies. 27(2), 35-57
MUSTAFA, M. J, CASPERSZ, D, RAMOS, H. M. L and SIM, S. C., 2018. The Satisfaction of Non-family Employees with High Involvement HR Practices: Evidence from Family SMEs Human Resource Development International. 21(3), 163-185 MUSTAFA, M.J. and RAMOS, H.M, 2018. The Darkness in Janusian Thinking: Considering the Relationship Between Creativity in the Workplace and Employee Well-Being. In: MARTIN L. and WILSON N., eds., The Palgrave Handbook of Creativity at Work Palgrave.
RAMOS, H.M, MUSTAFA, M. and HADDAD, A., 2017. Social
support and expatriate spouses’ wellbeing: The mediating role ofcross-cultural adjustment International Journal of Employment Studies. (In Press.)
RAMOS, H.M., MUSTAFA, M., PRIMACK, R. and CAMPOZ-ARCEIZ, A., 2017. What do conservation biologists think about their job and working conditions. Biological Conservation. 211(A), 183-188 RAMOS, H.M., BUCK, W.P and ONG, S.L., 2016. The Influence of Family Ownership and Involvement on Chinese Family Firm Performance: A Systematic Literature Review International Journal of Management Practice: Special Issue on the Role of Context in Understanding Asian Family Firms. 9(4), 365-393
MUSTAFA, MICHAEL, SCHOLES, LOUISE, RAMOS, HAZEL MELANIE and MAN, THOMAS WING YAN MAN, 2016. Introduction to the Special Issue on the Role of Context in
Understanding Asian Family Firms: Special Issue: The Role of Context in Understanding
Asian Family Firms International Journal of Management Practice. 9(4), 333-343
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, FELIX D. FRANCIS and REUBEN VARUGHESE PHILLIP, 2015. Work life balance and quality of life among employees in Malaysia International Journal of Happiness and Development. 2(1), 38-51 BHAVESH PATEL, LORNE D BOOKER, HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS and CHRIS BART, 2015. Mission statements and performance in
non-profit organisations Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society. 15(5), 759-774 MICHAEL MUSTAFA and HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, 2015. Supporting Corporate Entrepreneurship: Evidence from a Medium-sized Malaysian Family Firm In: International Family Enterprise Research Academy 2015 Conference, 29 June- 03 July 2015, Hamburg Institute of Family Owned Businesses, Hamburg Germany.
MICHAEL MUSTAFA, LOUISE SCHOLES, HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS and STEPHEN CHEN, 2015. The Continued Internationalisation Modes of Small Family Firms: A Socio-emotional Wealth Perspective In: International Family Enterprise Research Academy 2015 Conference, 29 June- 03 July 2015, Hamburg Institute of Family Owned Businesses, Hamburg Germany.
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, MICHAEL MUSTAFA and WILLIAM BUCK, 2015. The Influence of Family in Firm Performance Among Chinese Family Firms: A Critical Review In: International Family Enterprise Research Academy 2015 Conference, 29 June- 03 July 2015, Hamburg Institute of Family Owned Businesses, Hamburg Germany.
WAN HUSIN, WAN NURUL IZZA, SANTOS, ANGELI, RAMOS, HAZEL MELANIE and DZULKIFLI, MARIAM ADAWIAH, 2015. Emotional intelligence and personality predict the leadership practices of future Muslim leaders Online Journal of Islamic Education. 3, 1-10 HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, THOMAS WING YAN MAN, MICHAEL MUSTAFA and ZUIE NG, 2014. Psychological Ownership in Small Family Firms: Family and Non-Family Employees' Work Attitudes and Behaviours Journal of Family Business Strategy. 5(3), 300-311 WAN NURUL IZZA WAN HUSIN, ANGELI SANTOS and HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, 2014. The incremental validity of emotional intelligence in predicting psychological well-being In: 2014 Asian Congress of Applied Psychology, 7-8 May 2014, Concorde Hotel, Singapore.
WAN NURUL IZZA WAN HUSIN, ANGELI SANTOS, HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS and DZULKIFLI, M.A, 2014. Emotional intelligence and personality predict the leadership practices of future Muslim leaders In: 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Islamic Education (ICIEd2014) , 31 May to 2 June 2014, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia.
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS and RONALD TEOH, 2014. The Moderating Effects of Personality on the Stress-Burnout Relationship: A Study among Nurses in Malaysia. In: European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology 2014 Conference, 14-16 April 2014 Birkbeck College, University of London, London, United Kingdom.
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, MICHAEL MUSTAFA and THOMAS WING YAN MAN, 2014. Examining ownership feelings and extra-role behaviors in small overseas Chinese family firms: Does family status matter? In: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) 2014 Annual Conference, 23-27 June 2014, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland.
MICHAEL MUSTAFA, HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS and STEPHEN CHEN, 2014. Internationalisation Behaviour of Small Singaporean Family-firms: The negative influence of family specific factors In: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) 2014 Annual Conference, 23-27 June 2014, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland.
ANDREW AU SOON KAY and HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, 2014. A Study on the Relationship Between Role Overload, Job Satisfaction, and Intention to Leave, and the Moderating Effects of Personality Among Academicians of Higher Learning: Theme: "Globalization: Challenges and Perspectives from the Behavioral and Social Sciences" In: 2nd International Conference on Behavioral and Social Science Research,5-8 August 2014 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Ipoh & Kampar Perak, Malaysia.
MUSTAFA, M. J, RAMOS, H.M and CHEN, S., 2013. Internationalisation Pathways of Small Singaporean Family Firms: A Socio-cultural Perspective International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business. 5(4), 290-311 HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, FELIX D. FRANCIS and REUBEN VARUGHESE A/L PHILLIP, 2013. Work-Life Balance and Quality of Life Among Employees in Malaysia In: APA-NIOSH 2013 Conference on Work, Stress and Health, 16-19 May 2013, Westin Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles, CA.
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, MICHAEL MUSTAFA, JASON TAN JIN LEONG and SUET FONG LAU, 2013. Occupational Stress, Coping and Wellbeing Among IT professionals in Malaysia In: APA-NIOSH 2013 Conference on Work, Stress and Health, 16-19 May 2013, Westin Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles, CA.
WAN NURUL IZZA WAN HUSIN, ANGELI SANTOS, HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS and MOHAMAD SAHARI NORDIN, 2013. The place of emotional intelligence in the ‘intelligence’ taxonomy: Crystallized intelligence or fluid intelligence factor? Procedia: Social and Behavioural Sciences. 9, 214-223 WAN NURUL IZZA WAN HUSIN and ANGELI SANTOS, 2013. The Incremental Validity of Emotional Intelligence in Explaining Student Leadership In: 4th ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Societies (ARUPS) Congress. 86-87
ANGELI SANTOS, HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS and GANDHI RAMASAMY, 2013. The Health and Well-being of Migrant Workers in Malaysia In: 4th ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Societies (ARUPS) Congress, 23-26 Oct 2013, Miriam College, Manila Philippines.
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, ANGELI SANTOS and TAN SIEW LI, 2013. Stress Coping and Burnout Among Filipino Nurses In: 4th ASEAN Regional Union of Psychological Societies (ARUPS) Congress, 23-26 Oct 2013, Miriam College, Manila Philippines.
ANGELI SANTOS, TIMOTHY HAYWARD and HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, 2012. Organizational Culture, Work and Personal Goals as Predictors of Employee Wellbeing Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict. 16(1), 25-48
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, MICHAEL MUSTAFA and MICHELLE LEE CHIN CHIN, 2012. The moderating effects of personality on work-family
conflicts and stress among Malaysian working
parents International Journal of Management Practice. 5(3), 225-244 HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, MICHAEL MUSTAFA and ZUIE NG, 2012. Psychological Ownership in Small Chinese Businesses In: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) 2012 Conference, 26-29 June 2012, Bordeaux, France.
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS and ANISA RAE HADDAD, 2012. Cross-cultural adjustment, Social Support, and Wellbeing Among Internationally Relocated Expatriate Spouses.. In: A. JAIN, D. HOLLIS, N. ANDREOU and F. WEHRLE, eds., Proceedings of the 10th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, 11-13 April 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, ANGELI SANTOS, YUNBO PAN, SIEW LI TAN and KOK SIEN LEONG, 2012. Cross Cultural Comparison of Workplace Stress and Coping as predictors of Burnout Among Asian Nurses: A three Country Study. In: A. JAIN, D. HOLLIS, N. ANDREOU and F. WEHRLE, eds., Proceedings of the 10th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, 11-13 April 2012, Zurich, Switzerland.
MICHAEL MUSTAFA, MATHEW HUGHES and HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, 2012. Enabling Corporate Entrepreneurship in Chinese Family Business In: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) 2012 Conference, 26-29 June 2012, Bordeaux, France.
MICHAEL MUSTAFA and HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, 2012. Committing for the long term: A values based perspective of family member commitment in small Indian family firms In: International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) 2012 Conference, 26-29 June 2012, Bordeaux, France.
WAN NURUL IZZA WAN HUSIN, ANGELI SANTOS, HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS and MOHAMAD SAHARI NORDIN, 2012. Confirmatory factor analysis of an emotional intelligence scale Procedia: Social and Behavioural Sciences. (In Press.)
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, MICHAEL MUSTAFA and MICHELLE LEE CHIN CHIN, 2011. Work-Family Conflict and Stress: The moderating effect of personality among working parents in Malaysia In: APA-NIOSH Work, Stress and Health 2011 Conference.
MICHAEL MUSTAFA and HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, 2011. The Family and the Firm: Exploring Values Among Malaysian Dynastic Family Businesses In: The 9th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology The 9th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology.
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS and ANGELI SANTOS, 2010. Stress, Coping, and Burnout Among Chinese Nurses In: 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology.
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, 2010. Coping with chronic life threatening illness: The Filipino adolescent’s experience. In: 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology.
VESPER FE MARIE RAMOS, MARIA LOURDES LLANEZA RAMOS and HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, 2010. Psychogenic nonepileptic "seizures" or "attacks"?: It's not just semantics: Attacks Neurology.
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, ANGELI SANTOS and YUNBO PAN, 2009. Stress, Coping and Burnout Among Chinese Nurses In: APA-NIOSH Work, Stress and Health 2009 Conference.
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS and VESPER FE MARIE RAMOS, 2007. Antihypertensive Medication Taking Behavior Among Filipino Rural Workers. Murmurs. Manila Foundation For The Lay Education of Heart Diseases.
HAZEL MELANIE RAMOS, 2006. Undaunted Warriors: The Experiences of Adolescents with Chronic Life Threatening Illness In: Psychological Association of the Philippines 2006 Annual Convention.
HOH, C.C., RAMOS, H.M. and HOOI, L.W., Affective events and emotions during performance management processes: A study of general workers in Malaysia International Journal of Employment Studies. 27(1), 93-128