SUBRAMANIAM GEETHA, RAMACHANDRAN JAYALAKSHMY, PUTIT LENORA and SHARIFF SH, 2021. Exploring Malaysian Academics’ Perception on Working From Home (WFH) as a Flexible Working Arrangement during COVID-19 Pandemic SMART Journal of Business Management Studies. 17(2), 54-64 ALAM NAFIS, RAMACHANDRAN JAYALAKSHMY and NAHOMY AH, 2020. The Impact of Corporate Governance and Agency Effect on Earnings Management–A Test of the Dual Banking System Research in International Business and Finance. 54, 101242 RAMACHANDRAN JAYALAKSHMY, ALAM NAFIS and GOH C. E, 2020. A win-win situation for both managers and shareholders Managerial Finance. 46(8), 977-1000 HASSAN. K, RASHID. M, ANDREW WEI. S. T, ADEDOKUN. O and RAMACHANDRAN. J, 2019. Islamic business scorecard and the screening of Islamic businesses in a cross‐country setting Thunderbird International Business Review. 61(5), 807-820 RAMACHANDRAN, J., CHEN K. K, SUBRAMANIAM. R, YEOH, K. K. and KHONG, K. W., 2018. Corporate Governance and the Performance of REITs: A Combined Study of Singapore and Malaysia Managerial Auditing Journal. 33(6/7), 586-612 (In Press.)
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RAMAIYER SUBRAMANIAM and JAYALAKSHMY RAMACHANDRAN, 2012. Customers’ switching Behaviour in Banking Industry – an empirical study from Malaysia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW. 1(1), (In Press.)
RAMAIYER SUBRAMANIAM, JAYALAKSHMY RAMACHANDRAN and DAVID TONG YOON KIN, 2012. Importance of Internet Financial Reporting disclosures – Perception of lenders in Malaysia Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review. 8(3), (In Press.)
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