LEE, S. Y. and TIONG, K. M., 2013. Algorithmic Generation of Chinese Lattice Designs International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering. 2(6), 706-710 TIONG, K.M., YEOH, L.J. and LAW, K.B., 2012. PermuThink - a Permutation Card Game. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology and Applied Mathematics (ICITAM) 2012, 06 September 2012, Jakarta, Indonesia No. 1. Vol. 1. Faculty of Information Technology, Tarumanagara University. 56-59
YEW, N. Z., TIONG, K. M. and YONG, S. T., 2012. Path-finding in a Maze-like Puzzle using Multipartite Graph Algorithm. In: Proceedings of Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science (HKICEAS), 14-16 December 2012, Hong Kong, China
TIONG, K. M. and TING, T. K., 2012. Speed++TM: A New Pencil Puzzle for Mental Arithmetic Information Management and Business Review. 4(12), 601-605 N. KARJANTO AND K.M. TIONG, 2011. Stability of the NLS Equation with Viscosity Effect Journal of Applied Mathematics. 11 pages YEW, N.Z., TIONG, K.M. and YONG, S.T., 2011. Recursive Path-finding in a Dynamic Maze with Modified Tremaux's Algorithm. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Engineering Mathematics (ICAMEM), 21-23 December 2011, Phuket, Thailand Issue 60. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). 845-847
TIONG, K. M and ET AL, eds., 2009. School of Science and Technology Biennial Research Report 2007-2008 School of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
TIONG, K. M. & KOH, M. L., 2009. Simple Visual Demonstration of the Regularity of Prime Number Distribution Shekhar (New Series) International Journal of Mathematics. 1(1), 125-131
TIONG, K. M., ed., 2009. School of Science and Technology Biennial Research Report 2007-2008 School of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
TIONG, K. M., 2008. Shuffle: a game of card arrangement. Eureka (Journal of the Cambridge Mathematical Society). 59, 11-13
TIONG, K. M., 2008. Seeing Plants through the Eyes of Mathematics (in Polish) Delta, November Issue, backcover.
MOHD. HARUN ABDULLAH ET AL., ed., 2008. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Seminar on Science and Technology School of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
TIONG, K. M, 2008. They say mathematics is beautiful (poem) The College Mathematics Journal. 39(2), 128
YONG, S. T. & TIONG, K. M., 2008. Video/Computer Games: Differences in Gender Preferences, Participation and Perception Game Journal. 3(1), (online)
TIONG, K. M., 2008. Becoming a Calendar Pseudo Savant (in Polish) Delta, May Issue. 12-13
TIONG, K. M. AND LEE, Y. P., 2008. Novel Sliding Puzzles: SudoSlide and LatinSlide Game Journal. 3(1),
TIONG, K. M, 2007. The beauty of mathematical language (poem) Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal. 22,
TIONG, K. M, 2005. On Student Opinions Regarding Mathematical Beauty In: Proceedings of 4th Annual Seminar on Science and Technology, 14-15 September, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, pp. 95-100. ISBN 978-983-2643-98-2.
SULAIMAN, F. & TIONG K. M., 2005. Gender Differences in Computer Knowledge and Skills amongst UMS Students In: Proceedings of International Symposium on E-learning, 25-26 July, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. [CD-ROM].
TIONG, K. M. AND SIM, K. S., 2005. Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Interaction. In: P. ROGERS, G. BERG, J. BOETTCHER, C. HOWARD, L. JUSTICE, & K. SCHENK, ed., Encyclopedia of Distance Learning 1. Information Science Reference, USA. 104 – 113
TIONG, K. M., 2005. Postgraduate Degree by Distance Learning. In: P. ROGERS, G. BERG, J. BOETTCHER, C. HOWARD, L. JUSTICE, & K. SCHENK, ed., Encyclopedia of Distance Learning 3. Information Science Reference, USA. 1494 –1502
TIONG, K. M., 2004. Teaching Mathematical Thinking to CHC Learners through Paradox: An Exploration In: Paper presented at the Teaching and Learning Forum, 9-10 February, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia.
TIONG, K. M., 2004. The Death of the Art of Writing: Myth or Reality? Ubiquity. 5(4), 17-23
TIONG, K. M. & YONG, S. T., 2004. Confucian Heritage Culture Learners’ and Instructors’ Expectations and Preferences in Collaborative Learning: Convergence or Divergence? In: Proceedings of HERDSA Annual Conference, 4-7 July, Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak Campus, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. [CD-ROM] ISSN 1441-001x.
TIONG, K. M. & ZAINAL A. A., 2003. On the Splitting of a Solitary Wave Propagating Over a Slowly Varying Topography In: Proceedings of 11th National Symposium on Mathematical Sciences, 22-24 December, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, pp. 283-293. ISBN 983-2643-27-9.
TIONG, K. M and YONG, S. T. & LAU S. T., 2003. The Challenges of Mathematics Curriculum Development at an Offshore Campus: A Case of Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak Campus In: Proceedings of International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, 14-16 October, University of Malaya City Campus, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [CD-ROM] ISBN 983-41587-0-X.