University of Nottingham Malaysia
School of Computer Science

Networking session for researchers from TAR UMT and UNM

A networking and collaboration meeting was conducted between Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT) and the School of Computer Science, UNM in July, 2023. The conversion was led by Dr. Chen ZhiYuan, and Dr. Wong Thein Lai from TAR UMT.

Researchers from both sides introduced themselves and exchanged views on their current research and future collaboration opportunities of mutual interest.

TAR UMT and UNM are also encouraged to have other engagements apart from research collaborations, such as:

  • online/f2f lecture for students by professors from TAR UMT/UNM
  • postgraduate student co-supervision
  • appointment of external examiners
  • co-hosting an international conference. 
  • other creative collaboration ideas from TAR UMT and UNM

Future collaboration in areas, such as application for international grants, joint research projects involving 4 universities, and industrial project collaborations, will be further explored.

 TAR UMT UNM 2023 5


Posted on 11th July 2023

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham Malaysia
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