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Best Courses To Study In Malaysia

Best Courses To Study In Malaysia

Embarking on a higher education journey is pivotal to building a successful and fulfilling career. Choosing the right course is crucial in shaping your future. Fortunately, Malaysia offers a diverse range of programmes to cater to various interests and career aspirations. 

In this comprehensive guide, we aim to explore in-depth the top 12 courses that align with market demands and promise a bright future for aspiring students. So, let’s delve in, shall we?

What are the best courses to study in Malaysia?

In a dynamic job market, it's essential to choose a course that not only aligns with your passion but also offers promising career prospects. 

Furthermore, specific courses stand out for their strong return on investment (ROI) in terms of employability and salary. 

For example, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, particularly software and data engineering are arguably the most in-demand disciplines. 

Let's delve into the top 12 courses that are highly sought after in Malaysia.

1. Computer science courses

Computer science is at the vanguard of technological advancements, with the world becoming increasingly digital. In fact, the job market for computing practitioners is robust, with increasing demand and competitive salaries.

Fortunately, degree programmes like Computer Science BSc and Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence BSc provide a solid foundation in this field. 

For example, computer science programmes provide a comprehensive curriculum covering software development, algorithms, and data structures. Thus, enabling students to delve into diverse programming languages like Python and C++, ensuring a solid foundation in coding.

For those interested in the intersection of computer science and artificial intelligence, the ‘Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence’ course is an excellent choice. This programme explores the realms of machine learning, robotics, and intelligent systems, equipping students to advance the state-of-the-art of technological innovation.

In terms of ROI regarding employability and salary, specialising as a backend, full-stack, frontend, data, and machine learning engineer can offer lucrative career prospects.

2. Business management courses

The business landscape is ever-evolving, making business management courses a popular choice. For example, International Business Management BSc avails a comprehensive understanding of global business dynamics as businesses seek professionals with a nuanced understanding of international markets

For those who want to dip their toes in business analytics, Finance, Management and Business Analytics BSc is a programme worth pursuing. This is especially lucrative as students will be exposed to various productivity tools and software for data analytics that can be utilised in the business landscape. 

From cross-cultural management to global marketing strategies, this course prepares graduates for leadership roles in multinational corporations. Furthermore, graduates may choose to pursue specialisations in areas such as finance, and marketing for the best ROI in terms of employability and salary. 

3. Accounting and finance courses

For those inclined towards numbers and financial acumen, programmes like the Finance, Accounting, and Management BSc provide a pathway to a rewarding career.

The financial sector is a cornerstone of any economy, and professionals in accounting and finance play a crucial role in ensuring fiscal responsibility. This programme covers financial reporting, taxation, and strategic management. 

Graduates emerge well-versed in financial analysis and are sought after by accounting firms, financial institutions, banks and corporations.

4. Engineering courses

Engineering remains a cornerstone of technological progress. Engineering disciplines are diverse, offering students the opportunity to contribute to society through innovation and problem-solving.

For example, programmes such as MEng Mechanical Engineering and MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering offer a hands-on approach to modern-day problem-solving together with in-demand knowledge of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) software.

The Mechanical Engineering master's programme, for example, covers materials and manufacturing, computer modelling techniques and electromechanical devices to name a few. It, therefore, provides a comprehensive foundation for those seeking to pursue a career as an R&D engineer or manufacturing engineer.  

In the realm of electronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering delves into electrical systems, telecommunications, and artificial intelligence (AI). Graduates are also equipped to drive advancements in technology, from developing renewable energy solutions to designing cutting-edge communication systems.

For those interested in the intersection of mechanical and electronic systems, the MEng Mechatronic Engineering programme offers a multidisciplinary approach. Mechatrocnic graduates are well-positioned to work on integrated systems, blending mechanical and electronic components.

Another specialisation, civil engineering, plays a crucial role in infrastructure development. Civil Engineering programmes cover structural design, transportation engineering, and geotechnics, enabling graduates to contribute to building resilient and sustainable cities.

Environmental consciousness is paramount in modern engineering. For those seeking a deeper specialisation, the Chemical Engineering with Environmental Engineering MEng programme combines the principles of chemical engineering with a focus on environmental sustainability. Graduates from such a programme may contribute to industries that prioritise eco-friendly practices.

5. Economics courses

Understanding economic principles is crucial in a globalised world. Economics is essentially the systematic study of how societies allocate resources to meet human needs and desires. 

Degree programmes like Economics BSc and the Economics and International Economics BSc provide a solid grounding in subjects like macroeconomics, microeconomics and statistics. These Economics programmes provide a foundational understanding of economic theories, statistical methods, and policy analysis. 

Consequently, graduates are equipped to work in various roles including financial analyst, investment banker and management consultant. 

6. Education courses

Contributing to the development of future generations is a noble pursuit. Education is the cornerstone of societal progress, and educators play a pivotal role in shaping future leaders. 

Degree programmes like BA Education and BEd Education are expressly designed to nurture the educators of tomorrow. 

The BA Education programme specifically covers educational theories, curriculum development, and classroom management, with graduates well-equipped to embark on teaching careers or pursue advanced studies in education.

For those aspiring to become certified teachers, the BEd Education programme offers a specialised pathway that integrates practical teaching experiences with pedagogical knowledge. Thereby, ensuring graduates are ready to inspire and educate the next generation.

7. Data science courses

In the era of big data, data science is a field with immense potential. The data science industry is experiencing abundant job opportunities driven by the growing importance of data-driven decision-making in various sectors.

A BSc in Mathematics and Data Science provides a strong data analytics and interpretation foundation. This course integrates mathematical principles with data analysis techniques, equipping students with the skills to conclude raw data.

Stdents get to explore statistical modelling, machine learning, and data visualisation, preparing them for careers in data-driven decision-making.

Overall, in terms of employability and salary, pursuing data science courses whilst acquiring skills in Python and machine learning can offer lucrative career prospects.

8. Healthcare courses

The healthcare industry is ever-expanding, offering diverse opportunities. Fortunately, pharmacy BPharm or a pharmacy MPharm programmes offer a clear route into the healthcare world.

The BPharm programme covers pharmaceutical sciences, medication therapy management, and patient care. Graduates typically become qualified pharmacists, contributing to healthcare teams in hospitals, community pharmacies, and research institutions.

For those seeking an advanced level of pharmacy practice, the MPharm programme provides a more in-depth exploration of pharmacy practice, clinical therapeutics, and pharmaceutical research.

Graduates are equipped to pursue leadership roles in the pharmaceutical industry or engage in advanced clinical practice.

9. Bioscience courses

Life sciences are always pursuing new advancements to improve cell-based therapies, immunotherapies, mRNA therapeutics, and gene editing technology. Employment in the life sciences domain steadily increased by 1.4% between 2019 and 2020.

Programmes like the Biotechnology BSc and the Nutrition BSc provide a pathway to addressing global health challenges. These courses combine biology, chemistry, and technology to prepare graduates to develop solutions for healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability.

10. International communication courses

In a globalised world, effective communication is paramount. Programmes like the International Communication Studies BA offer a blend of communication and cultural studies.

International communication is essential for fostering understanding and collaboration across diverse cultures. As such, this programme explores communication theories, digital media studies, and intercultural communication. 

For language enthusiasts seeking a combination of communication studies with language and literature, the International Communication Studies with English Language and Literature BA course provides a comprehensive exploration. This includes writing modules like Writing for Media and Introduction to Translation.

11. Marketing courses

Marketing is the key to promoting products and services in a competitive market. The marketing field is intricate, with various career paths available. For example, digital marketing, content marketing, product marketing, brand marketing, marketing analysis, and marketing strategy.

The Marketing and Management BSc programme provides a comprehensive understanding of marketing strategies. The course covers marketing principles, consumer behaviour, and strategic management.

Overall, specialising in high-demand subjects like SEO marketing, social media, analytics, and content marketing can offer lucrative career prospects with good ROI in terms of employability. 

12. Psychology courses

The study ofhuman behaviour is integral to various industries. Psychology is expected to grow as a lucrative discipline due to increased demand for services for older people with ageing concerns and people with autism. 

Programmes like the Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience BSc and the Psychology BSc can offer lucrative career prospects. The Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience course explores the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive processes, offering a unique perspective on the intersection of psychology and neuroscience.

The psychology programme covers diverse areas, including developmental psychology and cognitive psychology. Graduates are equipped to work in various fields, including clinical psychology, counselling, and research.

How to choose the best course?

Choosing the best course for your higher education is a decision that can shape your future. To make an informed choice, carefully consider the following factors:

  • Reflect on interests: Identify personal passions and areas of genuine interest.

  • Research career prospects: Explore job opportunities and growth in the chosen field and consider the demand for professionals in that specific industry.

  • Assess skills and strengths: Identify both hard and soft skills and choose a course that aligns with and enhances your existing strengths

  • Explore academic preferences: Consider preferred learning styles, such as theoretical or hands-on approaches.

  • Investigate university rankings: Research the reputation and accreditation of universities offering the desired course. Also, investigate the affiliations and industry connections of the institution.

  • Consider future trends: Explore emerging technologies and industry trends, and align the course with the evolving demands of the job market.

  • Seek guidance: Consult with career counsellors, university advisors, and professionals in the field. 

  • Attend open days and campus tours: Experience the campus environment firsthand and engage with faculty, current students, and alumni.

  • Evaluate financial considerations: Assess the tuition fees, living expenses, and available financial aid. 

  • Assess global opportunities: Explore courses with international exposure and study abroad programmes. Consider collaborations with overseas institutions.

  • Stay flexible: Be open to new possibilities, adapt to evolving interests, and embrace the transformative journey of higher education.

  • Seek feedback from alumni: Connect with those who have gone before you, the alumni who have completed the course, to gain insights into real-world applications, career trajectories, and long-term benefits.


Choosing the best course for your higher education is a monumental decision that requires thoughtful consideration. By reflecting on your interests, researching career prospects, assessing your skills, and considering various influencing factors, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your aspirations. 

Remember that the journey of education is not only about acquiring knowledge but also about personal and professional growth. Stay curious, be open to new possibilities, and embark on a path that leads to a bright and fulfilling future.

Explore the scholarships available for our foundationundergraduate, and postgraduate courses. Also, remember to download our prospectus for detailed information about our programs!

This article aims to give an overview of Malaysia's education system for public understanding. However, it does not cover all aspects of the University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM), so readers are encouraged to seek more information if necessary.

Posted on 20th March 2024

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