Computer Science and Engineering
American Chemical Society (ACS)
American Chemical Society (ACS) is leading sources of authoritative scientific information about chemical enterprise and the premier professional home for chemists, chemical engineers and related professions around the globe. [
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ASCE Library
The ASCE Library provides a comprehensive online tool for locating articles of interest across all disciplines of civil engineering. The Library provides users with unprecedented access to more than 86,000 full-text papers from ASCE Journals and Proceedings published. [
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ASME Digital Library
ASME Digital Library is a primary repository of current and archival literature of mechanical engineering featuring ASME's Transaction Journals, ASME's Conference Proceedings and ASME Press eBooks. [
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British Standards Online
BSI Standards is the UK's National Standards Body (NSB) that involves in the development of business information solutions for British organisations of all sizes and sectors.
BSI Standards works with manufacturing and service industries, businesses, governments and consumers to facilitate the production of British, European and international standards. [
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Ei Compendex
The Ei Compendex database is the machine-readable version of Engineering Index, which provides abstracts, journals, selected government reports and books from the world's significant engineering and technological literature. [
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IEEE Xplore
The IEEE Xplore digital library is a powerful resource for discovery and access to scientific and technical content published by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and its publishing partners.
IEEE Xplore provides Web access to full-text documents from journals, conference proceedings, technical standards, and educational publications in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics. [
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The Scopus is a comprehensive scientific, medical, technical and social science database containing all relevant literature. It includes abstracts and cited references of over 14,000 titles from more than 4,000 international publishers back to 1966. [
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SpringerLink is an integrated full-text database for journals, books, protocols, eReferences, and book series published by Springer. SpringerLink offers electronic journals and printed literature for scientific, technical, and medical(STM). [
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Web of Science
Web of Science provides access to the Science, Social Sciences, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index™. It enables users to search multidisciplinary information from over 8,500, high impact research journals in the world. It also provides unique cited reference searching. [
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Wiley Online Library
Wiley Online Library hosts multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. It delivers seamless integrated access to over 4 million articles from 1500 journals, almost 10,000 online books, and hundreds of reference works, laboratory protocols and databases. [
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Oxford Journals
The Oxford Journals online collection features journals from science, technical, professional, medical, humanities and social science disciplines. [
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ScienceDirect is a large scientific, technical and medical (STM) database providing access to full-text journals from Elsevier Science and partner publishers.
It also offers sophisticated search and retrieval tools and integrated external sources that enable users to maximise the effectiveness of their knowledge discovery process. [
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