About Us
The countries in Maritime South-East Asia and Small Islands in the Asia Pacific region share manysimilarities in terms of economic development pathways, ecological, climatic, and culturalcharacteristics (including colonial histories) which impact and shape their shared food systems. Thefuture of food security in these states is threatened by a multitude of factors. It is a great challengeto ensure food security in the face of rapid population growth and urbanisation, climate changerelateddisasters, and breakdowns in traditional social safety nets. The coexistence of “hiddenhunger” and increasing rates of overweight and obesity in the region indicates that the current foodsystems are no longer fit for purpose. Transforming food systems for food security, improvednutrition and affordable healthy diets for all is crucial to ensure sustainable development in thisregion as good health and nutrition lie at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals. Westrongly believe in South-South Learning and Cooperation and the importance of SDG 17(Partnership for the goals) for sustainable development in food system. Yet, the potential ofcollaboration among this collection of countries is often underexplored and underappreciated.Hence, through this FSSIDS network, we aim to provide a platform to connect and engagestakeholders, facilitate discussions, establish new opportunities and encourage interdisciplinarycollaborations between expert actors of the food systems in South-East Asia and South PacificIslands.
Community/ Member

- Australia
- Fiji
- Indonesia
- Malaysia
- Papua New Guinea
- Philippines
- Samoa
- Singapore
- Thailand
- United Kingdom
- Vietnam
Working Group