A 2019 alumna of the Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Nottingham Malaysia, Heng Yen Fern has emerged as the top 7 winner after beating 10 other finalists in the second round of the 3rd Tan Sri Ir Yusoff Ibrahim Final Year Project (FYP) Competition 2019 on 18th April 2020. The competition is organised annually by the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) to award outstanding undergraduate final year projects across Malaysia.
Yen Fern’s winning entry is a report of her individual FYP, where she investigated the effects of flow conditions including Reynolds number, Swirl number and densities of two fluids as well as the geometrical parameters on the mixing of the fluids in a combustor, using the computational fluid dynamics approach. Yen Fern passed through the first round, where her report was evaluated by a scientific committee, and then presented her work in the second round of the competition.
Yen Fern exclaimed, “The award came to my surprise as I did not expect to reach that far when I first decided to join the competition. I am really happy to have received the award since it was the result of my year-long project. Getting into the Top 7 is an achievement I am very proud of. My project supervisor, Dr Gianfranco was also of great support throughout the year up until the competition. His guidance and advice were helpful, especially with the challenges I faced while completing my project.”
Her FYP supervisor, Dr Gianfranco Scribano was impressed by her hard work. “During her final year, Yen Fern took full ownership of her project. She was very committed towards her work and therefore achieved excellent results for her FYP. I am very proud of her achievement.”
A prize includes a certificate for recognition and a monetary reward of RM400.00 in the form of cheque . Originally, a prize-giving ceremony was to be held during the IEM Annual Dinner in April 2020 but was halted due to the Movement Control Order (MCO).
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Posted on 15th July 2020